Saturday, May 9, 2009

Let's Take It Outside

There are so many gifts to enjoy, outside in nature. God gave us all kinds of spectacular colors, wonderful scents, amazing textures and melodious sounds. I think, many of us take these gifts for granted. We get so caught up in the complexity of the world that we forget to take time out to to do simple things like smell the flowers, hear the birds chirp in the spring, look at the beautiful colors on the horizon during a sunset. The array of earthy hues of red, orange, gold on the trees in the fall, makes my heart sing. This is why I named my daughter Autumn.

Let's not take the little things for granted. All of the little things and moments are what give us substance and make life meaningful. Take some time out each week and enjoy the bountiful gifts of mother nature. Even during the cold months, if you are fortunate enough to live in an area where there is snow, you can do things like get out and play snow games with the children in your life.

Here are a few ways you can get outside and enjoy nature:

  • Attend outdoor festivals and event. There are usually never a shortage of outdoor events in the warm months. Jazz festivals, wine festival etc. There are walks and races for various causes. Get out in your community and neighboring communities and find out what's going on. You may meet some interesting people, while having a good time.
  • Make it a family affair. Encourage your kids to spend more time outdoors and less time inside on the computer or playing video games. Today’s American kids are less connected to the outdoors than any previous generation. They spend and average of 6.5 hours a day watching television and are six times more likely to play a computer game than ride a bike. Today's youth are four times more likely to be obese than the previous generation. There's a national initiative to address these issues, National Get Outdoors Day, June 13, 2009, an annual event to encourage healthy, active outdoor fun.
  • Grow a garden. It doesn't matter if you prefer vegetables, herbs or flowers. You will have to go outside regularly to maintain your plants. Garden is therapeutic and will be beneficial to your mental health, as a stress reliever.
  • Enjoy an outdoor hobby. Golf and tennis are two great outdoor activities that will get you get you moving. You can also go on nature walks and collect things like leaves and acorns and design craft projects based on your findings.
  • Work outdoors. Take some of your work outside. Get some fresh air, while enjoying a break from from the norm. Sometimes, I like to take my laptop outside when I write, while my daughter is napping. Working outdoors on a beautiful, sunny day is very refreshing.
  • Open your windows. If you have a busy schedule, and aren't able to get outdoors, open your windows and let the outdoors come to you. Turn off the AC and let the fresh air into your home, office or car. I've come to only like AC in extremely hot weather. Otherwise, I would rather feel the cool of a breeze coming through my windows.
When it rains, get wet. One of my favorite people, the great Quincy Jones, once said these words. It's a metaphor on how you should approach life - immersing yourself in it. It looks like it's going to rain today and I'm feeling full of life.

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